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Welcome to Tickled Pink Photo Booth, where we specialize in capturing the joy and excitement of your special moments. But behind every memorable event is a story, and ours begins with a mother-and-daughter duo determined to make a difference in the world of photo booth rentals.

The Inspiration:

Jordan and Kathy, the founders of Tickled Pink Photo Booth, were inspired by a disappointing search for a photo booth for Jordan’s wedding. Dissatisfied with the options available, they saw an opportunity to offer something better. Their own experience ignited a passion to create a photo booth company that would exceed expectations and bring smiles to faces at every event.

Bringing Joy to Events:

At Tickled Pink Photo Booth, our mission is simple: to bring joy and happiness to every event we serve. Whether it’s a wedding, a birthday party, or a corporate gathering, we believe that every moment is worth celebrating. That’s why we go above and beyond to ensure that our clients and their guests have an unforgettable experience.

The Team:

Behind every successful event is a dedicated team, and ours is no exception. From our professional attendants to our behind-the-scenes staff, each member of the Tickled Pink family plays a vital role in creating fun and interactive experiences for our clients. Meet the faces behind the photo booth: Greg, Alexis, Bri, Brittany, Cheyanne, Madelyn, and Savannah. Together, we work tirelessly to make your event a success.


In a world where memories are fleeting, Tickled Pink Photo Booth is here to make them last a lifetime. From weddings to corporate events and everything in between, we are dedicated to capturing the moments that matter most. So the next time you’re planning an event, remember to choose Tickled Pink Photo Booth and let us help you create memories that will last a lifetime.

Book Your Next Event With Tickled Pink Photo Booth