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At the heart of Tickled Pink Photo Booth lies a captivating story of creation, driven by a desire to provide unforgettable moments of fun and capture memories that last a lifetime. Founded in 2018 by the dynamic mother-daughter duo, Jordan and Kathy, Tickled Pink Photo Booth has emerged as a shining beacon of creativity and innovation in the vibrant city of Memphis, Tennessee, and its surrounding areas.

The inception of Tickled Pink was not just a business venture, but a response to a personal quest. Jordan and Kathy’s journey began with a disappointing search for a photo booth for Jordan’s own wedding. Fueled by the vision to deliver a truly exceptional and immersive experience, they embarked on a mission to redefine the photo booth industry.

Their commitment to excellence led them to envision a next-level photo booth concept that was nothing short of extraordinary. With an unwavering dedication to quality, they designed customizable options that allow each event to be a unique expression of the host’s personality and style. The result? An array of unforgettable memories that clients and their guests can cherish forever.
Central to Tickled Pink’s success is their emphasis on creating the perfect ambiance. The mother-daughter team recognized the importance of great lighting in capturing the essence of every moment.

With meticulous attention to detail, they curated a collection of photo booths equipped with modern technology and cutting-edge lighting, ensuring that every snapshot radiates with the true spirit of the occasion. But what truly sets Tickled Pink Photo Booth apart is the passion that drives them. Inspired by their shared affection for the color pink, Jordan and Kathy infused their brand with a sense of joy, playfulness, and happiness.

Their enthusiasm for bringing smiles to celebrations has turned Tickled Pink into more than just a company it’s a vessel of delight that adds an extra layer of magic to every event it graces.
Over the years, Tickled Pink Photo Booth has become synonymous with celebration, joy, and cherished memories. Their presence at countless parties, gatherings, and events has left an indelible mark on the lives of those they’ve touched. Through dedication and hard work, Jordan and Kathy have transformed their initial vision into a thriving and fun-loving company that stands as a testament to their passion.

In the world of photo booths, Tickled Pink isn’t just a service provider; it’s an experience curator. Their journey from a disappointing wedding search to becoming a sought-after name in the industry is a testament to the power of determination, creativity, and the pursuit of excellence. Whether it’s a wedding, birthday, corporate event, or any other special occasion, Tickled Pink Photo Booth continues to be the embodiment of unforgettable memories and pure happiness.

Book Your Next Event With Tickled Pink Photo Booth