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Welcome to Tickled Pink Photo Booth, your premier photo booth service provider in Memphis Tennessee, Jackson Tennessee, North Mississippi, and the surrounding areas. We take great pride in offering a unique and memorable experience at weddings, graduations, and various professional events. In this blog post, we will explore the numerous advantages of hiring a professional photo booth company like ours, dedicated to delivering exceptional customer service and helping you create lasting memories.

1. Unmatched Event Entertainment

A professional photo booth service adds an extra layer of entertainment to your event. Guests of all ages can partake in the excitement, ensuring a fun-filled atmosphere. Our extensive selection of props and backdrops caters to various themes, making it a surefire hit at any event, be it a wedding, graduation, or corporate gathering.

2. High-Quality Photo Prints

At Tickled Pink Photo Booth, we use top-of-the-line equipment to capture high-resolution images. Your guests will receive instant, top-quality photo prints to take home as cherished keepsakes from your event. The tangible memories from our photo booth will be a topic of conversation long after the event is over.

3. Social Media Sharing

In the age of social media, everyone loves sharing their special moments online. Our photo booth service enables instant social media sharing, allowing guests to post their fun-filled images directly to their favorite platforms. This feature adds an interactive element to your event and increases its online visibility.

4. Customization and Branding

For professional events and corporate gatherings, our photo booth service offers customization and branding options. You can incorporate your company logo or event theme into the photo booth backdrop and prints, giving your brand maximum exposure and creating a cohesive event experience.

5. Stress-Free Experience

Hiring Tickled Pink Photo Booth means entrusting the photo booth setup, operation, and cleanup to our experienced team. You can focus on enjoying your event and mingling with guests, knowing that our professionals will handle every aspect of the photo booth seamlessly.

6. On-Site Attendants

To ensure a smooth photo booth experience, our professional team will have on-site attendants. They will assist guests with the photo booth, guide them through the process, and ensure that everything runs smoothly throughout the event.


When it comes to capturing unforgettable moments at your wedding, graduation, or professional event, hiring Tickled Pink Photo Booth is the key to success. Our dedicated focus on customer service, along with the entertainment value and top-quality prints we provide, will leave a lasting impression on your guests. With a stress-free experience and the convenience of social media sharing, your event is sure to be the talk of the town. Trust us to make your special day truly memorable!

Book Your Next Event With Tickled Pink Photo Booth